Wednesday, 30 March 2011

b) Do you think that people should work for peace at all costs? Give reasons for your point of view. (4)


  1. No, because someetimes it is not possible to negotiate a solution peacefully, and if a problem between two parties or countries ends up with one side causing civilian suffering to the other, and innocent lives are lost, then staying 'peaceful' and not reacting could cause more suffering than reacting violently would.

  2. Have you got another point to add to make sure that you get 4 full marks? At the moment the examiner might only give you 3.

  3. anonymous... you could add that it is people choice whether they work for peace or not, they decide whether they feel strongly enough about working for it or not

  4. No

    as in some situations the may be more lives save by going to war. Also for example if the is some thing that both side need but the is not enothe to go around, in these kinds of situations it is difficult to be compleatly fare. Or they may be a side that is causing suffering or death (eg nazi's)that needs to be stoped at all cost to prevent more victims.
    The is also sometimes the need to put some one more caperable in power.

  5. People should work for peace at all costs because it is Gods wish. The Golden rule is 'treat others as you would wish to be treated', and nobody would like to live in a war/ unpleasant atmosphere, so therefore should not cause one for others.

    It may however, not always be possible as sometimes a war has to be fought in order for the best outcome to be possible - both long term and short term.

    If a war is fought, I believe it must be Just - (a war fought for the right reasons, in the right way), however if it is possible to avoid one then that would be the most preferable.
